Shade the Dark chao


Grey Normal/Dark chao

Was 2 when he died

He was destined to be ruler... ruler of the greatest army on the face of the Chao World. However, instead of following destiny... he dated it.

The Early Years

I remember my days, playing as Shadow, raising my new Dark chao named Dark. However, for some reason, I just wanted something different than Dark. I wanted... a GREY Dark chao. Eventually, I got the money to get one, and raised it. I wanted to call it something that sounded like Shadow, but was also significantly different. That is how the name Shade came to be. I always told myself and my brothers how Shade was going to be the ruler of the Dark chao. In fact, I had trained him for as long as I can remember for this role. I told him how if he needed fruit, I'd bring it to him. Then again, he was but a baby, so I was supposed to do that. Then, the glorious day came when that cuccoon surrounded him!

Getting Used to His Role

Shade was not used to his new role as Commander, however, and would need some more training. So, I took him for walks in the Neutral Garden, explaining to him the difficulties of authority. I said how some chao would revolt if he treated them unfairly. I don't think any did end up doing that, though. Still, he adapted to this and got used to it and instantly wound up happy. I was happy to see him happy.

The Chao Wars

A few weeks later, Shade and I discussed political views of chao, and battle plans for invading the Hero Garden- Shade's most hated place. The planning took days, but we finally settled on a plan we both liked: Stake-out. Using an egg-shell, gave Shade a disguise, and sent him in unarmed. Hours later, I came in to see the progress. It was interesting-- he and Chao (his rival) were in a swimming race, and Shade was winning! I congratulated him, took him back, and got him to take off his disguise. Then, months later, the Hero chao declared war on us again, this time calling Shade's long-lost brother, Shade 2. Shade panicked, I tried to console him, but he was already in danger; Shade 2 was bringing some dangerous equipment that would kill him! Acting in a rush, I had only one choice to save my chao-- cut off his legs and show Shade 2 that he has already been through enough. I couldn't bare to watch the surgery, so I took the bat, approached him, and closed my eyes. I opened them a few seconds later, and he was fine. Shade 2 was averted!

A New Responsibility

Shade was now a war veteran, and ready for his next challenge. I was the proud owner of a war veteran, and ready for the next challenge. Turns out, the next challenge was more challenging than we had thought: one day, in the Dark Garden, I was surprised to hear the Official Chao Mating Song playing, and was shocked to see Shade and Dark dancing in flowers! The newborn came, and I named him ShadeJR, as the name box wasn't big enough for a space. I took Shade and Dark to the Neutral Garden and exlained to them the big responsibility of being a parent. I think they understood. They did all they could to take good care of ShadeJR, including (actually) getting him food, and taking care of him before coming to be spoiled by me.

The Big Finish

After a 2-year life, my brother began to grow tired of "the same old chao," and, while I was away, said goodbye to all my chao. And his. This made me burst into tears. Goodbye... Shade. O almighty lord of the Dark Garden...

Shade the Dark Ruler,
Cast away before his time,
You are the best, Shade.

Shade and this bio by DJay32