Disclaimer: This here is a Tie-Breaker to determine where the poor chao will go next. Things are crazy in there, man. Crazy.


N:Now what do we we do?
Me:I have no clue.
N:I guess I'll dance.
Nights starts dancing to Numa Numa.
Me:I'm going to play Chrono Trigger. 

[Multichao can't think of any ideas, so...]

VOTE! Actually, no, I feel like doing a TIE-BREAKER! The participants WILL BE...

Mulichao... AAAAAND... KNUCKLE--uh, sorry, I meant NIGHTS!

Yes. You two. Ready?

Tie-Breaker #2
[Phantom and Nights are both sitting in chairs suspended high in the sky, about 100 feet above the streets of Chao Talk below]
Me: Iiiiin this chair, representing "Chao Halo", iiiiit's PHANTOM!
[crowd cheers]
Me: Aaaand in THIS chair, representing "Chao Half-Life", iiiiit's NIGHTS!
[crowd cheers]
Me: In this Tie-Breaker, things are going to be a LITTLE different. This time, there are THREE choices! I am also sitting in a chair, and am representing "Chao Sonic 3&K," iiiiiiiit's-a ME, DJAY!
[crickets chirp]
Me: ...Well, anyway. Here are the rules:

- Two of these chairs will fall.

- The one person who DOESN'T go bye-bye WINS!

- Chair 1 (Phantom), 2 (Nights), or 3 (Me), will be chosen at RANDOM. As soon as they are picked, it'll fall.

- However, there is ONE... CATCH.

We're gonna play a little betting game. Soon, I'm gonna show a RANDOM video of Metroid Prime 2 multiplayer, and we will all (I won't watch the ending until I post it, to make it fair) bet on who will win. There is a chance that NO ONE will win. However, if you win, you will NOT fall for the first 'round.'

Ready? I'm picking a video at random... okay.

Orange, silver, green, or blue? I bet blue. Remember, I seriously don't know.

(Multichao's Guess)

(DJay's Response)
Hey, even if I do win, can I let someone else do it?  who's gonna win.

Don't worry about it, you already said I was doing it. By 'represent,' I mean, if you win, we do the one you represent.

Also, I just watched the match, and am surprised by the results. 

(mLe's Cameo Appearance for the Tie-Breaker)


I don't care if I'm right or wrong or that I wasn't sposed to vote, I just like voting...and being included *sniffle*
I represent...THE CRICKET! I mean...umm...one of the Chao. I don't want to single anyone (except DJay >.>) out...

(The Dramatic Conclusion)

Whaddya know? Blue won... I wasn't expecting that. Now, to determine who fell!

*drumroll* ...chosen COMPLETELY FROM RANDOM...

[Phantom's chair collapses, Phantom falls down, and the Nomble eats him]

PHANTOM! That leaves Half-Life and S3K. Another one chosen ABSOLUTELY from random...

[my chair falls, I fall, the Nomble eats me]

NIGHTS! (cheer) We play Chao Half-Life!