Warn your friends: DCRPG is improvised. Don't expect sanity.

Dark Chao Role-Playing Game Mission 18: Quelle Horreur!
[cut to Shade, Dark, and the army of Freelancers exploring....... a supermarket!]
SB: Um... Shade? Why are we here, again?
Shade: *sigh* I promised Dark I'd get him a new toaster.
Dark: Make it a sparkly one!
Ade: Do they even SELL toasters in supermarkets?
Shade: Hey! ChaoMart is one of the most reliable shops I know. They should have toasters.
[the lights go out]
P.A: Attention, shoppers.
PA: *clears throat loudly* I said, ATTENTION, shoppers!
Shade: You mean US?
PA: Yes, I mean YOU. Please take cover, and have an eventful day! .....and die, too.
Solar: .....that didn't sound good.
[they quickly take cover in some shelves, or something]
[some government agents are walking around]
Agent1: So, did you hear about how the Ex Nowts are dead?
Agent2: That's a relief. I've been really worried that they might do something drastic, like kidnap some chao and place them on the moon, or something.
Agent1: Um... I think they DID do that.
Agent2: They did?
A1: Yeah. It was way back in Mission 3.
A2: Oh. But, isn't that when they died?
A1: Yes. Anyway, where are those chao now?
A2: I dunno. But, I'd love to kill them.
Shade: You hear that, guys? They want to kill us! Go get 'em!

SB: Well, I'd love to have a little action!
Silver: Don't take this to an extreme
*Shadow Bonic froms up a light arrow from nowehere, and fires it right through one of the agents*
Silver: Oh come on, that was nothing
*Silver uses his ESP to make a shelf fall on top of 5 agents*
SB: Isn't there only 2 agents?
Silver: Why would they send only 2 agents against us?
SB: Good point, let's get them
AC: Alright
Shadow: Here we go
Sonic: Let's do this!
Flame: Insert generic battle cry here, because I'm too lazy to say one
AC: Eat this!
*Angel Chao floats up and body slams an agent as another one comes from behind*
Shadow: Angel, watch out!
*Shadow pulls out a knife and stabs him through the heart*
AC: You know what? I never really liked this gory stuff
*Flame pulls out a shotgun and shoots one in the face*
AC: Until now, but wait, isn't this a user friendly kind of Role-Play?
Flame: You mean nothing over PG-13? Aw man
*He shoots the rating*
AC: Never mind what I said
SB: You know what Silver, this is a little ridiculous
Silver: You said it
*Silver uses his ESP to hold 2 agents in place*
SB: Bloody Massacare!
*Shadow Bonic goes up to the guard with his Magneous Blade he pulled out offscreen*
SB: Now we're slicing!
*Both of the agents are sliced in half*
SB: Heh, this is too easy!
Silver: A little too easy
A1: Hey, they're taking us out, pull out bull-dog-58
SB: Huh? Bull-Dog-58?
A2: We like to call him "The Destroyer"
SB: That name hasn't been overused before
A2: What was that? Go get him Destroyer!
BD-58: Affermative
*The machine pops out and it has multiple canons, machine guns, mines...and stuff*
SB: I hate it when the plot is advanced
Silver: This will be a pretty long battle...I hope
AC: Shutup, before it attacks one of us
*Shadow Bonic goes up to the machine and...gives it a little bit of dents*
SB: Dang, this things is strong!
AC: We can't let it end like this, it's too short!
*Angel Chao summons up the light arrow and shoots it at The Destroyer*
AC: I hope this works
*The dust clears and all of the dents are gone*
AC: No Way! I healed it! I hope someone can do better
Shadow: Obviously I can
*Shadow Jumps up and tries to slice the cords, ending up with him getting electrocuted*
Shadow: Hoover Dam, that thing is strong!
Flame: Let me get a shot at this!
*Flame swirls aound and makes a...sigh...flame*
Flame: Insert generic battle cry here!
*Flame swirling at high speeds rams right into the machine*
Flame: I don't have enough power...Silver?
Silver: On it!
*Silver uses his ESP to make more pressure on the machine to allow Flame more force...no effect*
Silver: I don't think that this can be won...
SB: No, it can be won, we just aren't trying hard enough, quick link your power with mine!
All other chao (on my team): Alright!
*Their powers swirl around them to link to make an ultimate strength*
SB: Alright...
*Shadow Bonic starts flashing more colors at once*
HSB: It's time...
Hyper Silver: That we finish this being
HSB: Once and for all!
*Oh and that's all we have for today, come back next time on...
Reality Chao TV!*
*Canned laughter*
HSB: I don't have time for this right now!
*Hyper Shadow Bonic shoots the machine spewing out the canned laughter*
HSB: Now that's a real save!
*Real laughgter this time*
HSB: Now that's one and true laughter!
Hyper Silver: Um...what about ending this thing right now?
HSB: Oh yea, almost forgot, be right back soon with a better script!
Hyper Sonic: We have a script?
HSB: Um...no?
*Real Laughter* 

solar:*rolls eyes* *leaps onto the machine,and bites an arm,and several wires are showing* *solar takes out a stone knife*what? metal conducts electricity. *cuts a wire,and the machine turns it's guns on him,after throwing him off*crap!!!! *he dodges an attack,and then he sees a random cast-iron frying pan flying at his head* DOUBLE CRAP! *he dodges that,and scurries back behind a shelf* 

Shade: Oh, I got this one.
[Shade hops up, and destroys the Destroyer]
[the Destroyer comes back to life, and sends him flying to the food bar]
Shade: Ugh.... oh, no, you di-n't!
[Shade charges at it, breaks part of it open, and enters it]
Shade: Hmmm... now, which one of these is the red wire?
[he realizes-- they're ALL red]
Shade: Well, may as well pull 'em ALL.
[cut to outside the supermarket]
[the supermarket flies into the air, and is destroyed]
Shade: Uh.... *chuckle*.... wrong wire.
[the Destroyer is still alive]

HSB: All your attempts have left you guys getting seriously damaged, come on Silver
Hyper Silver: I'm on it Shadow Bonic!
*Hyper Shadow Bonic flies over towards the sides of The Destroyer and attempts to hold it still with the light polls*
HSB: hey, Silver, get over here!
Hyper Silver: I know this one already!
*Hyper Silver summons up power to blast the concrete to the skies*
Hyper Silver: Be up in a sec
Destroyer: Will...not get defeated by such creatures...deploying air units
*The Destroyer uses the jetpacks to kep in mid air while the fight will rage on*
Hyper Silver: Shadow Bonic, we have to destroy it's air units, then it will fall to the ground and crash!
HSB: That might work but I don't think tha-
*Hyper Silver propels himself forward towards the jetpack*
Hyper Silver: All right you creep now pre-
Destroyer: I anticipated all of this! Sheild unit, deploy!
*Sheilds pop up right in front of Hyper Silver causing an electric shock from the force feild*
Hyper Silver: I hadn't expected this much from a simple machine!
HSB: Buddy, from what I've been through, I can expect pretty much anything
Destroyer: Must...Eliminate creatures know as...Chao...deploy missiles
*The Destoryer fires multiple missiles at Hyper Shadow Bonic and Hyper Silver*
Hyper Silver: We can't let this battle go in vain, quick! get near me Shadow Bonic!
HSB: Roger that Silver
*They get close as Hyper Silver uses his powers to make a barrier to block the missiles*
Hyper Silver: Ergh! Shadow Bonic, I don't know how much longer I can hold this up
HSB: Don't worry about it Silver, I'll take care of this one!
*Hyper Shadow Bonic zooms towards the missiles deflecting a couple of them while also getting damaged*
HSB: Eat this!
*Hyper Shadow Bonic punches The Destroyer in it's head located body in an attempt to make it malfunction*
Destroyer: No damage was recived by this blow...initiated counter...cannot complete operation
Hyper Silver: Shadow Bonic! It hasn't gotten free of your imprisoment of polls
HSB: That's right! Alright, now take this!
*Hyper Shadow Bonic grabs one end of the poll and pulls it in to tighten it up, but fails to crush the metal*
Destroyer: Aquiring battle tactic data...initiating counter
HSB: I've got to try this again
*Hyper Shadow Bonic tries to pull but The Destroyer grabs Hyper Shadow Bonic and throws him towards the ground*
Destroyer: I don't think you will regain health after this
Hyper Silver: You forgetting something?
Destroyer: ?
Hyper Silver: You forgot me!
Destroyer: Dispatch missile units!
Hyper Silver: Not going to work this time!
*The missiles go flying straight at Hyper Silveras he uses his ESP*
Hyper Silver: How about you get a taste of your own medicine?
* Hyper Silver grabs the missiles with his mind and throw them right back at the Destroyer*
Destroyer: I will anticipate this move as well!
Hyper Silver: I don't think so!
*Hyper Silver stops the missiles, confusing the Destroyer*
Desstroyer: Why have you stopped attacking?
Hyper Silver: You should know why!
*Hyper Silver flings the missiles at the Destroyer*
Hyper Silver: Did I get it?
*The smoke clears and you see the front of the destoyers armor gone, sparks and one flasing eye*
Destroyer: Don't...get...ahead of yourself
*Hyper Shadow Bonic finally flies back up*
HSB: What's going on Silver
Hyper Silver: I'm afraid that all of this is only the beggining of a true evil
HSB: What do you mean?
Destoryer: Heh heh, I'm only the small part of a larger machine, it will take it's power from me, you only made it easier for me to kill you!
HSB: What?
*The Destroyer floats up into the air with his body turned away*
Destroyer: Eliminator! Rise, so I shall become one with you!
HSB: Eliminator?
Eliminator: ...
*The destroyer attaches itself to the Eliminator*
Destroyer: Eliminate...these...........
*Destroyer goes offline as the Eliminator wakes up*
Eliminator: Target aquired, eliminating target immedeatly!
HSB: Great, just when things were starting to go good, it just becomes bleak...
Hyper Silver: There is only one way that we can take this thing down
HSB: You're not saying that we do...THAT are you?
Hyper Silver: No, I mean it, we must do this now!
HSB: Alright, if you say so, but I don't know how this will end!
*Hyper Shadow Bonic and Hyper Silver preform a ritual to use a fusion technique*
HSB: Alright...
Hyper Silver: Here we go!
*They fuse together to make Ultimate Silver Bonic*
USB: Well, now we have got to take this thing down while we have the chance!
*Their appearance finally shows...they look like a Silver Chaos Chao with flashing eyes*
Eliminator: You can't win this battle, you know that if you were to continue now, it would only end in a short battle!
USB: That's where you are wrong! This battle will go on for quite some time! Now bring it on! Silver Magneous Blade! Arise!
*The giant sword appears again to bring sown the Eliminator*
USB: This is where all will end Eliminator!
Eliminator: We'll see about that!
*Both of them fly off into space because...space is epic*
USB: Alright, now we will take you down
Eliminator: That's what you think, look down and listen
*Ultimate Silver Bonic looks down to see the two agents cornering Angel Chao and the others*
A1: With your energy sapped, you will be too weak to defend against us
A2: I've always wanted to do this
AC: Oh Shadow Bonic, Silver, get back here soon
Shadow: It's not over till the fat chao sings!
*Shadow Pulls out a chaos emerald as it shines with its streak and luster*
Shadow: I will use this to defeat you two, then use two other emeralds to help Shadow Bonic and Silver
A1: You think that will help you?
Shadow: You'd better believe it!
*Shadow uses the emerald to become Super Shadow*
Super Shadow: Alright, now eat this!
*Super Shadow Blasts the two agents to te ground with ease*
Super Shadow: And now for the other two emeralds
Sonic: Can't I come Shadow?
Super Shadow: No, only because people would be confused
Sonic: How?
Super Shadow: Read the previous mission
*Super Shadow absorbs the other two emeralds to become Ultimate Shadow*
Ultimate Shadow: Don't worry guys, I'll be up there soon!
*It goes back to Ultimae Silver Bonic and the Eliminator*
USB: I didn't even need to go down there
Eliminator: I didn't expect my agents to get defeated so easily
USB: Well, that's where you were wrong
*Ultimate Shadow makes it to the space where the others are*
USB: Shadow, let's take this guy down, his genericness will be his end!
Ultimate Shadow: I know what you mean! Chaos Control!
*Time freezes for the Eliminator*
Ultimate Shadow: Chaos Blast! Chaos Spear! Insert another Chaos move here!
USB: Alright, time to finishe this! Ultimate Speed burst!
*Ultimate Silver Bonic blasts right through The Eliminator multiple times*
Eliminator: Destroyer! Get out of here! Send the military our data on these....
*The Destroyer with refined armor dispatches from the Eliminator as it blows up*
Destroyer: I will get this data too the meilitary!
USB: You wish!
Ultimate Shadow: Let me handle this! Chaos Spear!
*A chaos spear shoots off the air units and the destroyer falls down to earth*
USB: Alright, let's head back down
A3: We'd better get outta here!
A4: Agreed!
*The 2 remaining agents run away back to the military*
USB: Alright, another mission done...or is it?
*They unfuse and revert back to normal*
Ultimate Shadow: Knowing ho short this mission was, it porbably is longer
*Shadow reverts back to normal*
SB: I don't think this is the end of it all
A4: Hey, agent 3
A3: Yea?
A4: Isn't that that destroyer unit in the sea?
A3: It is by golly, we need to bring it back with us, it could hold tons of information on it
A4: Mission somewhat accomplished for us!
A3: Yea!
*the fish out the machine then high five one another*
A4: We did it! 

*suddenly an arrow hits the agents in their backs* gymm:*breaks the fourth wall* wondering where i was,viewers? well,now you know! 

[suddenly, the ground shakes]
Agent2: Ah, that's the signal.
Agent1: Let's evacuate the area immediately.
[they run away really quickly as a GIANT SPIDER LANDS WTF]
SB: ...what's HIS problem?
Dark: Shade's scared of spiders.
Dark: Looks like it's up to me to command this squad.
[Dark gets everyone's attention]

solar:anyone have a match? *he gets one off a shelf,lights it,catches the end of his arrow on fire,and fires it at the spider's leg,and the spider catches on fire and dies* 

SB: Wow...it all goes up into flames...
Silver: Not yet! I wanna do something before it's complete ash!
SB: What's that?
Silver: You'll see
*Silver starts dashing towards the giant spider*
Silver: FALCON...
SB: You cannot be serious...
*Shadow Bonic facepalms*
Silver: PUNCH!!!!!!
*The spider gets eliminated completely*
SB: You just had to...didn't you?
Silver: Yep! 

*solar growls,and walks up to silver* solar:if you do that again,i'll falcon punch YOU! you shattered my bow! do you have any idea how long it took me to make that?! *grabs a toaster before it can catch on fire,and it's really shiny* *they walk out* 

Silver: Why would you have your bow on the spider in the first place?
Solar: Because if I didn't my bow would be in perfect condition
Silver: Isn't that what you want?
Solar: No, my bow needs to be right next to the spider to make sure it ends well
Silver: I could do a better falcon punch anyways
Solar: What was that?
Silver: You heard me
Solar: You wanna go then?
Silver: Where Dairy Queen?
Solar: Oh that's it! Flacon...
*Silver ducks*
Silver: Falcon kick!
*Solar is now suspended in mid air for a sort time*
Silver: FALCON...
*Solar looks at Silver*
Solar: PUNCH!
*Silver flies back from the punch*
Silver: Oh, you're good, but nothing can survive the Falcon Knee of death!
Solar: OMG! NO WAI!
*Soalr flies out of the area back to the Dark Garden*

*solar is standing right next to him* solar:sorry dude,but you fell for it! that was a hologram.*his hand starts glowing with purple fire* sb:OH CRAP! solar:RRRAAAAAAGGGHHHH! *does ganondorfs warlock punch which is 10 times more powerful than the falcon knee of death and it hits* 

*Shadow Bonic grabs Solar's fist*
SB: You did NOT try to attack me when I never did
Solar: Oh yeah? Well I just did!
SB: Bring it on punk!
*Shadow Bonic forms all his energy to become Ultimate Shadow Bonic*
USB: So Solar, you feeling lucky?
Solar: You'd better believe it!
USB: Well, your luck's about to run out!
*Ultimate Shadow Bonic rams into Solar and send him offscreen*
Solar: Heh, not yet
USB: ?
Solar: You only attackd my holagram talking about a hologram
USB: Alright, I'll use my senses to find you
*Ultimate Shadow Bonic uses all of his senses to find Solar*
*Ultimate Shadow Bonic goes straight to the real Solar and sned him flying towards the Dark Garden*
Solar: Curses! Foiled again!
USB: Please advance this nonexistant plot already before we go crazy bent on killing one another
Shade: Uh, you haven't killed the spiders yet
USB: Spiders?
Shade: Yea, there's more than one you know
USB: Oh snap...wait a sec, I'm ultimate! This will be easy!
*Ultimate Shadow Bonic goes and kills off the rest of the spiders*
USB: HA! Too easy!
Silver: What am I even doing here again?
Flame: Nothing
Silver: Oh yea, right! 

Shade: *shudder* Good... they're gone.... they're gone....
[suddenly, a giant tarantula (oh, man... shudder...) grabs Shade, and takes him underground]

Silver: NO WAI! WTF!
SB: Quick silver, hand me the flashlight, rubber band, and that bean
Silver: Okay, I don't know why though
SB: It's meguiver time (or however you spell it)...HA! I'VE MADE A BOMB
Silver: Don't hit Shade!
SB: Don't worry, this bomb only hurts tarantulas!
Silver: All this from a flashlight, rubber band, and a bean...NO WAI!
*The flashlight bomb is thrown at the tarantula*
Silver: Got it foo!
*Silver throws Shadow Bonic a stone that says plot on it*
SB: I've got to through this at it!
*Shadow Bonic throws the rock towards the ground and it bounce right back up to the beast and kills it*
SB: wait a sec..
Silver: What?
SB: I said point...not plot
Silver: Really? I thought you said plot
SB: No, Point, not Plot, now there's no way we can continue
Silver: Yea we can, because we have a point!
SB: Not funny
Silver: Says you
AC: Ahem guys...what about us?
Sonic: Calm down, it's a subbish plottish
Shadow: But I want action! This is boring
Flame: At least you helped in the last one
Shadow: So?
*Shadow Bonic Face palms* 

Shade: Thanks for saving me. *shudder* Hang on... I'm just gonna go through a state of paranoia for a few hours.... *shudder*
Solar: Sir! Now what, sir?
Shade: Tak...take a look around....
[they look around the dark cavern]
Dark: We found this rock.
Shade: Cool. What else?
SB: A pebble.
Shade: Nice.
Solar: I found this machine labelled, "Virus."
Shade: Pfft! Throw it away. Who cares? C'mon, let's go home.
[they go home]
Shade: Just.... leave me. Let me... just.... calm down.
Phantom: Hey.
Ph: I was just saying, "Hi." I haven't gone on any missions lately.
Shade: Don't.... don't sneak up on me like that!
Ph: Well, how else do you want me to sneak up on you?
Shade: Just DON'T!
Ph: Okay! Sheesh.
[Shade curls up into the fetal position, and starts muttering about spiders]
Dark: ....I guess this means I get to command you guys! Yay!
All: Oh, boy....