[a clip of the end of the previous episode is on a blue screen]
MM: How is the plan going?
JOE: Very well, sir.
MM: Excellent.
JOE: Why, sir? What will happen when the plan works?
[Wrapped In Black slowly fades in]
MM: You'll see....
[the two laugh as the theme continues]

Dark Chao Adventures

[a clip of Shade swim-racing against Chao (Episode 1) as the word "Shade" appears in big letters]
Shade: (Voice-over from another scene in E1) I think I can do it.

[a clip of Dark at EBGames buying Sonic R (Episode 5) as the word "Dark"... you know]
Dark: (VA other scene E5) Dark Kills All Hero Chao 2?

[Chao dancing terribly (Episode 9) and the works]
Chao: (VA yaddayadda) Let's see you dance, dork!

[Tail running to the Tails Doll (Episode 13) ...]
Tail: (VA ...) Ooh! A Tails Doll!

[Metal Sonic playing poker (Episode 6) ...]
MS: (you know) And I need a pathetic mortal as a slave for eternity!

[Mephiles speaking to the Darks (Episode 10) ...]
Mp: (VA) I am Mephiles. And I have a proposition to make to you.

[the others quickly flash on to the screen, the theme ends dramatically]

SEASON 5- Sure, It's Not Epic, But At Least It's Back To Its Roots!

Episode 34: Fight of the Thursday Players

[the story begins in the Stardust Eggman]
Chapter 1: Da Playaz Ah In Da Hiz-OUSE!
Shade: So, you're having ANOTHER Poker Game?
MS: Not right now, no... but in a few hours, it'll be Thursday. Then... approximately TWENTY HOURS after that, at 8...
[the Poker Gang laugh]
[Shade and Chao gulp]
Chao: Hey, shouldn't you be trying to get more prizes?
MK: Metal, I like this kid. He's got good plans. Maybe...
[Mecha whispers to Metal]
MS: Why are you whispering this to me?
MS: Well, I like the idea. Capture him!
DT: He IS captured.
MS: Wow, that was fast. Okay, okay, I know what to do. Come 8 o' clock...
[the Poker Gang laugh]
Chao: What? WHAT?
MK: Wouldn't YOU like to know, punk.
TD: Guys, why don't we do his idea and get more prizes?
MS: Oh, yeah. Let's go!
[cut to CPAK, Tails is finishing his lesson]
Tails: ...Which goes over to the left as I rule the world! But, it has one flaw which I am not--
[the men in big suits come in again]
1: Kkkkkkkkhht... I would like to speak with... misssssster Prowwwwwwwerrrr....
2: Yesssss.... shhhhhhhhhphhh... we have a.... DEAL.... to make with... HIM...
Tails: Mmkay.
[Tails enters the hallway, the door closes, Tails screams, the door opens, and Tails is dead]
[the chao gasp]
[Mecha Knuckles and the Tails Doll come in in government suits]
MK: Okay, uh... we wanna speak with your teacher, kiddos.
Dark: But... you just killed him!
TD: What?
[they turn around and see Tails' dead body]
MK: (pardon his French) ...seal.(French for the F word) ....(I think)
TD: So, uh... can we talk to YOU kids?
class: Uh... sure, yeah, sure.
[cut to the Stardust Eggman]
[Mecha and the Doll come in, carrying multiple bags of squirming things]
MS: You got the catch?
MK: You bet. This'll be verrrry tasty!
[they get plates out and dump the bag contents on to the plates]
DT: I've always loved lobsters!
[the contents were lobsters]
MS: This is great and all, but... where's the prizes?
TD: Right behind us.
MK: In an organized, single-file line!
[it's true]
Hero: Can we go home yet?
Phantom: What kind of place is this? *sniff* It smells like smoking! ...And drinking!
Shade: So? (burp)
MS: Shut up and get into that rusty playpen that we haven't used in a while.
Dark: Yes, sir!
[the chao go into the playpen]
TD: Wait, where's Dark Tails?
MS: Who cares? We have a NEW player...
MK: No kidding? Who is he?
MS: You mean, who is SHE...
Chapter 2: Meet the Whole Poker Gang
[Chao walks in, wearing a 50's style jacket, and smoking a cigar]
Chao: 'Sup?
TD: Uh, Metal, that's not a girl--
MS: We captured her about half an hour ago, and NOW look at her!
Chao: Who're you calling a SHE, runt? I ain't no 'goyl'!
[the chao gasp]
Shade: Chao... you're... uh... cool!
Chao: Yeah, yeah, whadevuh-- (normally) You really think so?
Shade: Dark Garden, yeah, of course I do! You look like you came outta Grease!
Chao: Thanks. That... means a lot, coming from you.
Shade: I thought you hated me.
Chao: *sigh* I thought so, too, but I can't help but... admire your, uh... consistancy. And PERsistancy.
[Shade slightly smiles]
MS: I know, HE'S not a girl, but I wasn't TALKING about him! ...But he IS a Poker Gang member. I was referring to...
[Honey comes in, smoking a cigarette, and wearing sunglasses, and she has dragon parts on her now]
MS: ...Honey! See now, SHE is the girl I was talking about.
MK: (please excuse any insults) So... we're playing Poker with a tramp and a gay kid?
[Shade and Honey yell at how she's not a tramp]
[Honey realizes Shade was defending her, and Shade blushes]
Shade: Uh... I meant to say... she's NOT a tramp, but she's... uh... a eunich?
[everyone has a face-palm]
Quartz: Shade... do you even know what that MEANS?
Shade: No.
Q: It means--
[Hero covers Quartz' mouth]
Hero: Please, Quartz. Let him have his moment.
[a few seconds later]
Hero: Okay, he's had his moment, tell him what it means.
[Quartz tells Shade what it means, with EXCRUCIATING detail, AND hand gestures]
Q: So, do you know what it means now?
Shade: Urp... yes.... and I now feel insecure about my manliness...
MS: ....Now that THAT'S over, any more questions?
Chao: Watch it, pally-o. In Chao years, I'm 22.
Shade: Same with me!
Chao: Shut up. So, how old are YOU?
MK: Ten... but that's not the point!
MS: Heh... you're TEN? I'm fifteen! You are such a loser.
[Mecha punches Metal]
MS: Ow!
[Metal punches Mecha]
MK: Don't punch ME, I'm younger than you!
[Mecha punches Metal]
MS: Respect your elders, kiddo, before I end up 'respecting' my fist up your face!
[while those two are making insults, cut to the chao]
Shade: Okay, get us outta here.
Chao: Well, we can't.
Honey: Yeah, we're just chao.
Shade: I wasn't talking to you! I was talking to Dark. His big head will get us out!
Chao: Did the meaning of 'big head' change in the past few minutes?
Shade: No.
[Shade uses Dark as a battering ram, and they escape]
[they make it out of the Stardust Eggman]
Dark: Good, we made it out. Now where?
[the Tails Doll, instead of listening to the argument, followed the chao out]
TD: Next, you wanna go back into the Stardust Eggman before I curse the snot outta you junkies.
DH: No, I do believe the correct answer was CHEESE IT!
[the chao start running through Stardust Speedway Zone Act II]
[eventually, the Doll catches every one of them, and just in time for...]
Chapter 3: Who Wins What?
[...the Poker game]
MS: You guys all know the rules by now. With Dark Tails in who-knows-where, and the gay kid and tramp locked up, we've got ourselves a game!
MK: Finally, a poker game between just the three of us OFFICIAL Sonic characters!
TD: YEAH! We're the ORIGINAL Metal Sonic's Poker Buddies(trademark)!
MS: Let the game begin.

Round I: Regular

Metal Sonic: Ace 7 8 9 Ace 7 7
Mecha Knuckles: Pass
Tails Doll: Pass
Winner: Metal Sonic (by default)

Round II: Sonic CD Style

Metal Sonic: Metallic Madness
Mecha Knuckles: Egg-o-Squisher
Tails Doll: Metal Sonic
Winner: Tails Doll (Automatic Fault)

Round III: Sonic R Style

Metal Sonic: Sonic  7 Emeralds  Radiant Emerald  Super Sonic Racing (SuperSonic Set)
Mecha Knuckles: Knuckles  5 Sonic Tokens  Reactive Factory  Reactive Factory Theme (Mecha Knuckles Set)
Tails Doll: Tails  5 Sonic Tokens  Radical City  Can You Feel the Sunshine? (Tails Doll Set)
Winner: Tails Doll (Automatic Fault)

Round IV: Sonic Heroes Style

Metal Sonic: Team Sonic
Mecha Knuckles: Team Chaotix
Tails Doll: Last
Winner: Mecha Knuckles (DJay's Fault)

Round V/Final: Fighting Style

Metal Sonic: Badnik Fighting Style
Mecha Knuckles: Eggman Fighting Style (Joker, basically-- Insta-Loss)
Tails Doll: Sonic Fighting Style
Winner: Tails Doll

Overall winner: Tails Do--*PUNCH*-- Metal Sonic (Tails Doll has gotten a sudden injury, victory goes to Runner-up)

TD: I don't like how that ended.
MS: I do.
MK: I'M A LOSER!!! *sob*
Shade: Gee...
Chao: Ya think?
MS: And AS winner, I do believe that my prize should be... Shade.
Shade: Wha? ME? But, why?
MS: 'Cause you're the main character.
TD: And I'll take Eggman, 'cause he's expendable.
EGG: I find that offensive.
MK: Sweet, I guess I get my punching bag back!
Me: What!?
MK: Hey, you wrote it.
Me: Good point. So, that means I can UN-write it, right?
Chapter 4: A SONIC the Hedgehog-Style Ending
[I go to my computer]
MS: Wait, stop! If you do what you're gonna do...
[I highlight the entire episode]
MS: ...the whole entirity of this event will cease to exi--
[I press the backspace butto-]