A team of chao... lost in a new world...

Involving... ALL-NEW places to explore!
NEW chao, all with just as funny dialogue!
NEW enemies, each funnier than the last!

And all they have to rely on are a bunch of loonies and their crazy fables!

Dark Chao Adventures Season 4. Interesting. Deadly. Funny. Weird. Crazy.
Episode 26: Chao Talk Attack! Part two: Venture to the Office of Death...

Chapter 1: Shade and Chao's Totally Magical Adventure
[we continue as the chao head down the staircase]
Chao: Oh, boy, more telepathy.
Honey: "You are about to embark on a magical journey... to the basement." What?
Shade: Hey, a crossroad! Let's go right, it's the RIGHT thing to do. Eh? See what I did there?
Shadow: o i c wat u did thar.
[Shade and Shadow laugh]
[so, they go right, and find a room with paintings depicting a park titled 'OMG']
Dark: HEY! Guys, is that you?
Shade: Dark? Dark, where are you?
Dark: Down here!
[the chao look down and see a hatch leading to the dead bodies of the chao]
[Shade opens the hatch and pulls Dark up]
Knuckle: Huh? Is that you guys?
[by now, the chao had already left]
K: Oh, great.
[the dead bodies stand up]
K: Oh, VERY FUNNY, guys! Seriously!
[the bodies slowly walk to Knuckle]
K: ...Guys? GUYS? Help?
[back with the group, they went to the left and entered a dark corridor, with a red flashing light]
Stalh: Great, MORE telepathy. So, the walls move?
Chao: Apparently so.
[crossroad, the chao pick left]
Dark: It's pretty spooky in here...
Devilish: Look!
[the chao see a wall, then the light flashes off, and on. Back on, the wall has moved]
Shade: I have an idea. It's crazy, but it JUST MIGHT WORK.
[a few seconds of mad dashing later, the chao dive out onto fresh, well-lit ground]
Speedy: Whew... I can't believe we got out of there!
Shadow: ...
SShade: What is it, Shadow?
Shadow: Look... over there...
[the chao look and see a door]
Honey: That's strange.
[the door has a window above it, and through the window they can clearly see some sort of red flashing light]
Shade: Hmm... I'm not getting scared anymore! I'm gonna run over there, and find the answer to all this! I'm gonna--
Chao: Huh?
[Knuckle comes running in]
PFII: Knuckle! What are you doing here?
K: What am I doing here? Why don't you ask Dark, who went with you guys and left me to deal with those... zombies!
Honey: WHAT!? Are you implying that my friends are STILL ALIVE?
K: Yes, they are. Unfortunately, they won't be coming out of that place, unless they turn friendly fire on.
Hero: So they killed you.
K: Exactly, and it's all 'cause of Dark! Why'd you shove me down there!? I'm gonna kill you!
[Knuckle charges toward Dark, who jumps out of the way, leaving Knuckle charging into a bottomless pit]
Shade: ...and... and I was gonna go head-first there, wasn't I?
Chao: Yep.
Dark: Knuckle saved us... in a weird sort of way.
[Shade, followed by the others, carefully hops over floating platforms]
PF: Good, we're all here.
He: ...wow, that's not a light...
Shade: Huh? (looks through window) OH MY HERO CHAOS!
[it's actually a red, flashing, screaming face]
Tail: We'll need a test subject.
[Knuckle runs in again, and jumps over the platforms]
K: Grr... I've realized that the more I try and kill Dark, the more I'll get killed.
SShade: Say, Knuckle... how would you like to be brave?
K: What are you saying...?
SShade: We need a brave hero to go into this room and find out what that face is.
K: Will I get a great reward?
Dark: Definitely.
K: Okay, stand back!
Chapter 2: The Office of Death
[Knuckle slowly steps into the door, and inside is a small room with a door leading to another room, and a VERY dark doorway]
K: Okay... uh... so, I want the FACE, right? Nothing else?
Shade: Right. We're right behind you.
[they all enter the next door, except for Tail, who stays in the first room]
Chao: Tail, c'mon!
Tail: In a minute. I can't be a scaredy-cat anymore, I must take risks! So, I'm entering this corridor...
[before he enters it, he stops]
Tail: "I wouldn't go in there if I were you..." ...sounds like a warning. But, I'm still going in!
[Tail enters, and a giant, pale, screaming face emerges and crushes him, then goes back into the darkness]
Chao: TAIL! No... Tail...
[Chao cries for a bit, then slowly goes back to the others]
[then, Tail comes running in]
Tail: Hey, Chao.
Chao: OH MY HERO-- uh.. right, respawn, I forgot. I hate you, DJay.
Me: I noticed.
[back with the others, they're in a large room with lots of doors surrounding them]
[also strangely there is a large poster of the 'OMG' park]
K: So, here's the door... I'm going in.
[Knuckle cautiously enters the door, and a strange force pulls him quickly down a dark hallway, and SMACK into the face]
Shade: Y'know what? I think he's dead.
[Knuckle comes running in]
Dark: Yup.
K: Ow........ that REALLY hurt.
Honey: So, did we hit a dead end, or something?
He: No... look at all these doors... they must lead somewhere.
[Speedy chooses a door and prepares to enter]
Chao: Speedy, you may not want to go in there...
Speedy: Why not? Will I BLOW UP? Ha!
[Speedy enters, and blows up]
Stalh: I'll take that as a 'yes.'
[Speedy comes back]
[Knuckle chooses one]
K: Since I'm gonna die, anyway, may as well enjoy it. I'm going in here, and I'll be HAPPY!
[Knuckle enters, but the door quickly ejects him out]
K: We found ourselves a dud.
Chao: Say, Shade... you haven't died yet, have you?
Shade: Not really. Why?
Chao: Why don't you enter that door right there, and I'll enter this one here?
Shade: ....okay.
LGS: On the subject of death, I'll take door number 1, thank you. I may as well die, since we come back anyway.
[inside Elgee's, he just suddenly collapses]
[Shade enters, and a secret passageway opens to his side]
Shade: GUYS! Come here! I think I found our lucky door... Chao, come on!
Shade: Chao?
[Shade steps back out into the room, and looks through the window above Chao's door]
Shade: Oh, my.
[the door is locked, and the room is slowly flooding]
Chao: This really sucks.
[a few seconds later, everyone's back together, and they enter the passageway]
[inside is a ladder, which they climb into a room that overlooks the big room they were just in]
Honey: OH MY... I can't believe my eyes!
[the zombies have found their way to the big room, but no worries, they won't follow our heroes any longer]
Honey: I'll miss you guys...
[the chao hurry through, and get sucked up an air vent]
[they stop before entering another large room]
K: C'mon, guys! Don't just stop here, we gotta make progress!
[Knuckle is about to enter the room when two large crushers descend and cover the room, then go back up]
K: (pupils widen) ........ (jaw drops)
PFII: Well, C'MON! Let's go before the crushers come back!
[past the room, they break through a window]
Chapter 3: A Certain RPG's Shadow Playing Golf... FORE!
[the window took them out into the main city]
LGS: Well, let's get back to exploring this eerie city!
[they do a bit of exploration, and find an unlocked door]
Dark: Wait, should we REALLY enter? I mean, it could be like the other places and kill us.
Shade: C'mon, what's the harm in looking?
[inside, it's dark, but Speedy finds a light switch]
[they slowly explore it, and notice an orange chao, with lots of pheonix parts, resting on a bed]
Shade: Shhhh! We don't want to wake-- ...wait, I... he seems familiar...
Chao: Hurry, Shade! Up here!
[Shade follows the others up some stairs]
[up the stairs, they reach a large conservatory with a big diorama in the middle, about a park called 'OMG2']
Tail: ...O-M-G? Wait, didn't we see something like this back in the big building?
?: You may have, Tail.
[everyone turns around to see the orange chao awake and in the room]
DH: Is that you, Shade?
Shade: Depends. Is that YOU, Dark-Hawk?
DH: Uh... yeah.
Shade: You sure?
DH: Yes.
Shade: Positive?
DH: With a finger in my eye.
Shade: Negative?
DH: As true as blue.
Shade: Ooh, you're good. So, it IS you, Dark-Hawk... my second pal!
Devilish: Second? What about me and Shadow?
Shade: Eh, years ago, all I had was Dark. Not fun. Then, I got Dark-Hawk here to join my army.
Chao: So, what about this 'OMG' thing?
Shade: And what are you doing in THIS dump of a town?
DH: Uh... well, I fell asleep in (CENSORED FOR SPECIAL REASONS), the place you assigned me to, and woke up when I heard you guys going up the stairs.
PFII: So, you're from (CENSORED)? My father fought there!
DH: Your father? I think I might know him... also, I'm not FROM there, I was just assigned to go there.
Dark: Say, Shade, wasn't that the twentieth mission when you assigned people this stuff?
Shade: Yeah... I remember this now! Then, all went downhill from there...
Shadow: You should've never sent the people away, Shade... I get the feeling we're all in danger.
Shade: Me, too.
DH: Enough family reunions, Shade. What are you doing here?
[they explain the situation, and the whole legend]
DH: Whoa. This is intense. Be right back!
[Dark-Hawk rushes down the stairs, and a few seconds later, returns wearing heavy equipment, machine guns, grenades, the likes]
DH: Forget exploring this dump, Shade, let's blow it all to smithereens!
LGS: NO! We can't just blow up a mysterious city!
Honey: If we can't blow it up, what do you propose we do, Luis?
LGS: ...continue exploring.
[everyone gasps]
Speedy: Are you NUTS? We've been DYING out there! I LITERALLY blew up!
K: And don't get me started on my "happy times" here!
LGS: I have thought of the solution to all that. Here's what we do-- some of us group together to explore the city, the rest of you stick around and plan what you need to. Just... no explosions, please?
[the chao look at each other]
Chao: Luis is right... we can't just blow up something just because we don't know what it is... we have to research! I'm in.
Shade: Me, too!
Dark: You can bet that I'm in!
Knuckle: Eh, I've died a lot, it can't get any worse. Count me in.
PF: Uh... um... FINE! I'm coming.
He: You'll all need my crowbar, so take it with you. ...Shade.
Shade: Aren't you coming?
He: I've done quite enough, Devil chao.
[Shade smiles at this remark]
SShade: You're gonna need a girl's feminine approach for some stuff, so--
Honey: No, Shade. Sit this one down, I'll take care of it.
[SShade makes an adrmiring gesture]
DH: I think I need some action in my life, no more resting in bed! Count me in!
Tail: I'd better come along...
Chao: No, Tail... you've gone through enough.
Tail: What?
Chao: Seeing you being crushed by the face... and you being a dictator, and any other time someone's threatened your life... it's made me realize just how precious your (the Heroes) lives are... please don't go.
[Tail, Hero, and Speedy nod]
Chapter 4: The Mission Begins
LGS: So it's settled. Me, Shade, Dark, Knuckle, Chao, Purflee, Dark-Hawk, and Honey are going on an exploration mission. You ready for this, team?
Shade: You betcha. Let's get outta this death trap!
Chao: For ALL of our Gardens!
[bigger "YEAH!"]
Honey: But, where to begin?
Knuckle: How about the big Town Center Skyscraper? It's just a minute's walk from here, if you look.
LGS: The Town Center it is, then. Let's do this!